Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012- Skandolo

Today ended up being the first day I have been sick since arriving. I have no idea what I ate or drank to have caused it because Chris and I have been eating and drinking practically the same thing. I know that he is probably more accustomed to the food since he spent two years here with the Peace Corps. However, I spent a week in the “campo” eating some pretty suspect things and never got sick. Anyways, in the end, I ended up having a pretty good day.

This morning, I had a three hour meeting with Alvaro, Chris, Denis, and Walter to hammer out all the details about my project. They wanted more clarification about what exactly I was going to be doing. The language is still a slight barrier, but I was really relieved when everything finally clicked with them and they realized that my project would really help them with technology promotion and possible improvement. Then, they got excited and were throwing more ideas at me. My language skills are improving by huge bounds every day though. The overall plan is pretty lengthy so I think I am going to save it for either tomorrow or Friday since today’s blog entry will be pretty long.

As an outcome of the meeting, I still had to revise a couple of parts of my work plan and write a few more things. However, I did not feel well at all and quickly decided that a nap was in my best interest. I got up a few hours later but really didn’t feel significantly better. Brittany was over when I got up to use the internet, so we all just hung out for a while.

Denis had invited everyone over to his house for supper in La Trinidad since it was Mother’s Day in Nicaragua. I was thinking about not going but decided that since I hadn’t eaten anything all day, I should probably go. The food was excellent. There was a huge array of food to choose from. There was crispy pork (kinda like pork rinds), steamed vegetables, sausages, fried bananas, yucca, a taco like meat, homemade tortilla chips, chicken, rice, and pineapple upside down cake for dessert. It was all really good (except the pork rinds).
The table full of food (plus Chris posing for the camera)

Alvaro with his big plate of food.

Then, we went to a disco between La Trinidad and San Isidro to hear a band play called Skandolo. Chris and I had actually met one of the singers when we went to Milton’s softball game last weekend. The band was really good. They had music of their own and also covered other things. I’ve decided that I really like Latin music and need to listen to it more, so I can become more familiar with it. They were also very entertaining to watch. Everyone danced and had a pretty good time. I was feeling better until about an hour before we left, and then I decided it was best for me to sit down and just listen. We got home around 2am, and Brittany stayed the night in the office with us since it was so late. It was a pretty good night.

Here is a link to one of the band's songs if anyone is interested. It was one of my favorites.
Me with one of the singers (who also plays softball for La Trinidad)

Chris, Brittany, and I

Alvaro and I

Chris dancing.

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