Monday, May 28, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012- A short reflection

This morning, another EOS intern arrived. His name is Chris. He was in the Peace Corp and has been out for about a year and a half now. We will both be living in the office until I get a host family, but there are two bedrooms and plenty of space.

I went to Sebaco for the first time today, which has a rather large vegetable market. Almost all of the traffic from Managua to Matagalpa or Esteli has to go through Sebaco. It has the closest banks and the cheapest food. We went for the primary reason of the bank, but then did a little bit of shopping. Chris had to get some bedding and a new “mattress” for his room, and I got a mosquito net. The mosquitos aren’t bad here yet per se but there is a rather large insect infestation in the office due to all the rain. I have been getting bit up at night, so I think a net is a wise investment.

Then, we came back to San Isidro where the power was off. It stayed off for a couple of hours. I was told that it is because it is due to all the rain we have been receiving. The trees get weighed down and take out the power lines. The entire town was out. Brittany, the Peace Corps volunteer in San Isidro, came over and hung out during the outage.

Now that I have been here for two weeks, I think it’s time to reflect on a few things:

1.       I need to learn how to go with the flow. I am a crazy planner, and it is too stressful here to worry about. I need to find a good balance.

2.       I am a crappy packer. I need more shoes and shirts! Enough said.

3.       The food here is great! Since there is very little refrigeration, everything is very fresh and very good.

4.       I need to stop speaking English. It’s a downfall of mine. I am not making any progress on my Spanish by speaking English to Milton, Brittany, and Chris all the time. Spanish from now on only!

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