Monday, May 21, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Last night I slept really well. I did not hear the chickens or the tv, but I did discover that my bed fleas in it. I could not figure out what all the little bites were from since I never seemed to be bitten by mosquitos and my bed had a bug net on it. I think that the fleas are from the random dogs and cats that come into the house during the day to look for food.

Nicolia came at 6:30am so that we could go on a walk, but I had not had breakfast yet. I had breakfast finally at 7:30 of rice, eggs, a tortilla, cheese, beans, and coffee. Francisca gives me way too much food but I always finish it because I feel guilty about leaving food on my plate.

Then, Nicolia and I went on a walk to “el pino”. It literally means “the pine” because there are pine trees at the end of the trail. We had to walk through the woods and up a small mountain/large hill to get to “el pino”. The view was magnificent! I could see for miles and miles. The weather was a lot nicer too since there was a lot more wind. We sat on a big rock and talked for a while. Then, we returned to the town because I had to get to class.

In class, I reviewed the subjunctive tense. It’s used in the Spanish language when someone expresses doubt or a wish. I learned all the verb tenses in my Spanish classes in college, but I did not bring any of my notes. I really wish that I had. I remember the verb forms when we practice them, but I can never remember to use some of them in conversation. I need more practice. For homework due in the afternoon, I had to write a mini essay about energy. Alcedes wanted me to use the subjunctive as much as possible in the essay.

As I left the cabana, the rain started, so I ran to the house. I talked with Francisca a little bit and then had lunch. I ate tomatoes, rice, beans, and a tortilla. I also had a drink made of fresh limes. It was really good. Then, I wrote my essay and finished my book. I could not/would not shower since it was raining outside. It was too cold. I returned to class at 3pm and practiced the subjunctive more.

I had to run back to the house after class was over because it was still raining hard. For supper, I had beans, rice, cheese, a mixture of vegetables, and coffee. The mixture of vegetables was composed of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and carrots. The onions and carrots were really sweet. The onions were not strong at all. There was a lot of rain today and there is a little river running down the street. The ducks are pretty happy, but me, not so much. When it rains, it gets pretty chilly and the rain seeps through the roof. I hope that I will sleep good though.
"El Pino" from "La punta"

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