Monday, May 21, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

Today was sort of a mess of a day. I got up at 4 in the morning because I went to bed at 8 since there isn’t much to do when it rains. Since it was still raining though, I didn’t actually get out of bed until 5:30. Then, I read the book Alcedes let me borrow. Francisca told me that I would not have class in the morning because one of Alcedes’s sons had had a seizure the night before and went to the hospital in Achuapa. Alcedes might then be back on the afternoon bus if they released his kid. Nicolia didn’t have class either because Alcedes was actually supposed to teach her today also because her teacher had to go to Leon. Therefore, we decided to go hiking.

We hiked to a place called “Almirador”. It took about 40 minutes to get there and it was pretty high up. It had an even better view than the other two places that I had hiked to. However, since I didn’t think things through, I didn’t charge my camera prior to going to Lagartillo or bring the charger. Therefore, I had to use the camera on my phone (ie no pictures of the view until I get back to the States). I also got BURNT. My back and shoulders are pretty bad even though I put on sunscreen. I guess it must have worn off.

When we got back, I showered, which felt really great since it was incredibly hot out. Ermalinda, one of the teachers, came to talk to me after I got out. She said that if Alcedes wasn’t back at 2pm, she would teach me for the day, and since it was my last day, I would have class for 4 hours. She said that since Nicolia was there for another week, she would make up her four hours later.

My lunch for the day was soup. It was good that it was a light soup. The chicken in it had been butchered that morning. Then, I hung out for a few hours reviewing my Spanish until class. I ended up having class with Ermalinda because they were keeping Alcede’s son for 24 hours for observation.  Ermalinda did not want to read to me as Alcedes had been, so she just talked to me. It was fine, but it wasn’t necessarily helpful to improving my comprehension.
I then returned home at 6pm for a supper of beans, cheese, and a tortilla. There is a smoothie stand next door that always sounded good, but I was always so full after every meal. I decided that since it was my last night, I would just get one anyway. I essentially ended up with a milkshake. It was pretty good. Then I continued to read the book that Alcedes had lent to me.
Smoothie place next door

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