Monday, May 21, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I went to bed around 9 the night before and woke up around 5am. I practiced my Spanish verb conjugation and looked up words I didn’t know before breakfast. Then, around 7 I had a breakfast of oranges, bananas, and some melon. I was a lot of fruit. I tried to tell her that I don’t eat that much, especially for breakfast, but she doesn’t seem to follow through with giving me less.

After breakfast, I practiced my Spanish more before class at 9. Then in class, we reviewed the subjunctive again and went through some examples. Then, I did a comprehension exercise. Alcedes read a paragraph to me from a book, and I rewrote it. Understanding people when they speak to me is a big problem for me. I can read and write Spanish pretty well, but listening is totally different. It’s hard to recognize the words. I had a lot of problems with the exercise, so we are going to do it again tomorrow.

Then, I came home for lunch. I had a tortilla, rice, an avocado, and some vegetables. Plus I had some fresh squeezed orange juice. I showered, but it was pretty chilly outside. Then I talked with Nicolia for a little bit before returning to class.

We only talked for this class. I really need the practice though. It started raining around 4pm and didn’t stop. After class, I ran to the library and tried to check out a book, but they wouldn’t let me. I guess they have had problems in the past with students checking out books and not bringing them back. It is a really small library with a very limited collection. It is both the school and the town library. Instead, I sat in the library and read part of “Sherlock Holmes” in Spanish. Even though I didn’t have my dictionary, I understood quite a bit of the book.

Then I went home and had supper. Francisca made what was sort of like pizza for supper except it had beans instead of tomato sauce and had a tortilla for the crust. It also had some cheese, tomato bits, and onion on it.

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