Sunday, June 3, 2012

Saturday and Sunday, June 2 and 3, 2012- Fishing and Relaxing


I am going to throw the entire weekend together because I did not do much Sunday. Saturday I got up really early, so we could leave by 6am. But that’s actually kind of a lie. I was not expecting anyone to be at the office to pick us up on time (and we were up really late the night before), so I did not even set my alarm until 6am. However, it turned out to the one day that everyone arrived on time. Alvaro was even 10 minutes early, so Chris had to get me up. I ended up being the one that kept everyone waiting.

Then, we all drove up to Jinotega to the lake to go fishing. We got there a little before 10 because we went through Matagalpa to pick up one of Alvaro’s friends and also stopped to get some food to go. This time, I brought extra clothes and wore my swim suit. Chris and I both put on sunscreen too. The weather was a bit chilly and the sun really didn’t come out much. However, we considered ourselves lucky in that it really didn’t actually rain much. It only started really raining as we were leaving.
Cool picture of the clouds near the end of the day.

 I fished for most of the day. Milton brought along an extra spear gun, weight belt, and goggles for me to wear. However, the weight belt had 13lbs on it. With that much weight, I was unable to tread water. I could swim with it, but was also unable to swim with a gun in my hand. Therefore, I did not venture out in water that was much deeper than I was. A few times I ventured too far and was able to drop the gun and swim but only because the gun was attached to a string on a float, but I felt uncomfortable doing this. Subsequently, I did not catch (or even see) any fish. Milton caught a ton though.
Me fishing!
They told me I was a girl and therefore, would not be able to lift the fish so I did haha.

Better picture with all the fish.

We stayed on the lake from about 10 until 3 and then decided to head back since it was going to thunderstorm. They gutted all the fish while we were still there and everyone had to change into dry clothes. Since it was still daylight and it was raining, we asked some people in a random house near where we parked if we could change in their house. It was definitely an experience. We then took the long way home because there was a bridge that may have potentially been under water. We did not get back until late last night.


Since I have been up late (and up early) every day this week and weekend, I decided to be lazy today. I have just caught up on some stuff and watched some online television. Chris and I both had laundry to do (all of our laundry). However, there isn’t room for everything on the string outside. He did all of his because he had dumped his all in water. I could then only do my towel (which smelled), my clothes from yesterday (also smelly), and something to wear tomorrow. Then, tomorrow morning I will finish up my laundry. Hopefully the weather will continue to cooperate.

1 comment:

  1. How were the fish that everybody caught taste Linda? Looks like you are having a great time. Keep up the good work. Scott Thorson
