Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 15 and 16- Bucket Showers


Today, I decided to not go to the office because nearly everyone was out for the day. Instead, I layed in a hammock all day and read my book. I also had my first experience with a bucket shower because the water has been out for two days due to a pipe break to Sabana Larga. A bucket shower is when you draw a bucket of water out of the well to use for bathing water. I actually pulled a lizard out of the bucket I drew for my shower. There is a bowl that you use to dump the water on yourself. For the people who have to take early morning showers when both the water and air are still chilly, a little bit of water can be boiled and added to the bucket of cold water. I was not this lucky.


This morning I learned how to make torta and roskia. They are both oven goods. Torta is very similar to but it is sweeter and lacks yeast. This type also had lime zest in it. Roskia are kind of like cookies. They have cuajada, which is the fresh cow’s cheese my family makes every day, in them. They are a very dry cookie. I will be posting the recipe at a later date for both of these goods.

Then, I went to Sebaco for the afternoon to do a little bit of shopping. I needed long pants, new socks, and dressier shoes. Sebaco is cheaper and closer than EstelĂ­. I quickly realized, however, that I do not have the patience to shop here. It is very difficult to find things. Every store has approximately the same things, but they do not carry very many sizes. Finding pants was a joke. I ended up with a pair of ill-fitting jeans. I did not want to bring pants with me since it is so humid and hot here, but my ankles are raw from mosquito bites. I found a nice pair of black dressy shoes to go with my new dress for when I get it, and I also was able to find new socks since mine are pretty gross. I spent about four hours shopping for these three items. It was kind of ridiculous.

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