Friday, June 22, 2012

June 19 and 20- Biodigester Installation

Last night, another technician, David, came to San Isidro. He lives in Leon and is an expert on biodigesters. He took Chris and me to Managua for two days to help install a biodigester in a community about an hour outside of Managua. It was a really good experience because David really knows a lot and now I feel I have even more experience with the biodigesters. He also has a lot of good ideas for projects for me to help him with. I am very excited.
The stove with the woman who will be using it.

Mounting the biodigester.
I had my first experience sleeping in a hammock. In order to save money and time, David had everyone bring a hammock with them. The office had a couple that we borrowed. We ended up sleeping at the home of the family we installed the biodigester for. Chris and David slept in hammocks outside. My hammock was the right type for a hammock support, so I slept inside. However, my hammock was not that comfortable because it was essentially meant for a child, so it was quite small. I could not get comfortable and did not sleep much, if any at all.

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