Sunday, July 1, 2012

June 23 and 24-The Survey

Saturday I went into the office for the whole day for a meeting with Dennis about my biodigester survey. He helped me reword questions, so that they would make sense to people living in the campo who may not have graduated high school. He also helped me organize my thoughts and really focus on my goals about what I wanted to get out of the survey. It has basic questions about how often they use their biodigester gas stove, if it has had problems, if they want to improve it, how they maintain their biodigester, and some general feelings about the biodigester in general.

Sunday I completed another biodigester stove test with my family in Sabana Larga. I also wrote up some ideas that I have about a new project idea and packed for my week in the department of Leon with the technician David. He is an expert on biodigesters and there are approximately 20 biodigesters in his community.

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